Australian International Airshow

Beach Road, Building 53, Lara

About Us

A high voltage array of combat aircraft takes centre stage at Airshow 2019. See the most potent assets in the air defence arsenal strut their awesome stuff at Australia’s world famous aviation spectacular. Marvel as jet fighters, strike bombers and heavy lift leviathans are joined by swarms of attack helicopters, from home and abroad, for a series of breathtaking routines and simulated combat manoeuvres. The event also features the best collection of aerobatic daredevils ever to be gathered together for an Australian air show. There will also be historic aircraft from the classic years of aviation and the most impressive collection of World War II aircraft ever to soar skyward at Avalon. The aerospace showcase will feature the technology of tomorrow with special insights into space exploration and man’s foray into the final frontier. Hundreds of the world’s leading innovators will display their latest and most exciting aerospace, aviation and defence products and inventions. Airshow 2019 will be the most dynamic pageant of its kind ever staged in Australia. By any reckoning this is going to be a very special day out the ultimate family adventure.