The Farm Byron Bay

11 Ewingsdale Road, Byron Bay

About Us

The Farm is principally a working farm which houses a collection of micro-businesses all sharing in a common goal. You are invited to come and see for yourself how a farm operates, supports the environment and contributes to a healthier lifestyle. ‘Grow, Feed, Educate’ is the motto and inspiration for the farm and the community at large. It is the first hand experience of seeing how food is grown and produced that makes eating it so much more pleasurable. From this simple pleasure sprouts a curiosity and desire to learn more. Enjoy your visit to The Farm and leave feeling inspired to make even the smallest change towards a healthier, more harmonious existence with our land, our animals and our communities. The Farm offers visitors an opportunity to meet our farmers and take an educational behind the scenes farm tour. Experience a guided walk around the grounds of The Farm and gain first hand knowledge of our sustainable and ethical farming practises. We welcome large or school groups who are interested in agriculture, farming and live stock. Our farmers will designate a time to take groups around and show you what we are achieving here at The Farm