Gnome House and Gnome Roam

Mount Buller Road, Mount Buller

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While travelling along the Mt Buller road look out for the ‘Gnomes Crossing’ sign just before you reach the famous Mt Buller Gnome House, where some of the local gnomes like to hang out. Leave a letter for the gnomes in their letterbox and you never know, you might just get a letter back. The Gnome House complements the popular Mt Buller Gnome Roam, a self-guided tour of the Mt Buller gnomes’ life on Mt Buller. Pickup a brochure from the Information Centre and take a walk with Mt Buller’s mystical little folk. The Gnome Roam takes visitors on a self-guided tour of the mystical gnome world of the mountain village where they will catch a glimpse of resident Mt Buller gnomes, learn about their favourite places to play as well as some interesting facts about the gnome way of life. Young explorers can warm up along the Gnome Roam with a hot chocolate from some of the various establishments along the way. When you complete the search, do not forget to collect the gnome stickers available at the Alpine Central.