Benalla Costume and Kelly Museum

14 Mair Street, Benalla

About Us

The Benalla Costume and Kelly Museum was founded in 1967 and is now accredited through the Museum Accreditation Program (Victoria). It is managed entirely by volunteer members of the Benalla Historical Society Inc. and is a splendid example of how the skills of an enthusiastic and talented group can produce excellence. Benalla is situated on the main highway and rail link between Melbourne and Sydney. The Museum is centrally located on the bank of Lake Benalla (part of the Broken River) adjacent to the unique Ceramic Mural and across the lake from the Botanical Gardens and the outstanding Regional Art Gallery. The Museum specialises in costume and local history, including much of the Ned Kelly story, and houses the famous and unique blood stained sash he was wearing at the siege in Glenrowan. The costume collection dates from 1770 to the present and is shown in regularly changing semi-permanent exhibitions of dressed models with appropriate accessories. Displays include memorabilia of three of Benalla's famous sons including Sir Edward 'Weary' Dunlop, Captain Hector Waller and Michael J Savage who went on to become a Prime Minister of New Zealand.