Great Prom Walk

Mount Oberon Carpark Road, Wilsons Promontory

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Distance: 35.5 to 52.8 kilometres Walk: Three to four days return Grade: Level 4 - bushwalking experience and a good level of fitness required. Tracks may be long, rough and very steep. Directional signage may be limited. Start and finish: Telegraph Saddle Car Park Permits/bookings: Required for overnight hike. This circuit takes in the best of everything at Victoria's most loved national park, Wilsons Promontory. There are two options depending on your time and energy, departing and returning to Telegraph Saddle Car Park. Option One: Distance 35.5 kilometres Leave the car park with a steady climb to Windy Saddle and then downhill through a beautiful ferny glade and forest to Sealers Cove. Enjoy the great views along the coast between Sealers and Refuge Cove then climb steeply over Kersops Peak to Little Waterloo Bay. From there, follow the shoreline over sand dunes and swamps to Telegraph Track, where a steady climb takes you back up to the car park. Option Two: Distance: 52.8 kilometres Take Option One as far as Little Waterloo Bay and then follow the coastal track to the lighthouse. After leaving the lighthouse, take Telegraph Track back through the Prom's undulating interior to the car park.