Walk with the Birds Boardwalk

Lyrebird Lane, Dorrigo Mountain

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Get high among the rainforest trees along the elevated Walk with the Birds boardwalk, in Dorrigo National Park. This fully-accessible walkway, elevated above the forest floor, offers unique forest views and close-up birdwatching opportunities, near Bellingen on the NSW North Coast. Far below, you might see brush turkeys raking litter for their nests or a lyrebird searching for insects. Among the branches, you could spot the stunning paradise riflebird with its glossy black and iridescent blue plumage, as well as fruit doves and green catbirds. Look for the information panels to learn more about the rainforest locals. Enjoy a packed lunch at The Glade picnic area, and if you’re feeling energetic, try nearby Wonga walk or Satinbird stroll. As night falls, listen for the ‘mo-poke’ call of the southern boobook owl or watch for ringtail possums emerging from their nests.