Wollongong and Harbour Lighthouse
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Wollongong Harbour's Breakwater lighthouse has been inactive since 1974 (a decorative light is displayed on special occasions). It stands 12 metres (40 feet) high and has a tapered round wrought iron tower with lantern, painted white. The lighthouse was seriously deteriorated before a restoration in 1978 and 1979 stabilised its condition. In 2000 to 2002, a complete restoration returned the lighthouse and its lighting equipment to its original configuration, and the light was relit in connection with an international lighthouse conference in Sydney. The Flagstaff Hill lighthouse is active. The white light spends 4.5 seconds on and 1.5 seconds off. The red lights are displayed over shallow water to the north and south. The entire structure is painted white. It is located at Flagstaff Hill on Wollongong Harbour. Wollongong is the only point on the eastern coast of Australia which has two lighthouses.