Crown Skin cancer and surgical dermatology clinic
About Us
We are a primary skin care, procedural dermatology and surgical clinic. We offer skin checks and mole checks, excision and removal of skin cancers. Our Primary interest are: * Laser and Cosmetic injections (Dermal filler and antiwrinkle injections). * Pimple popping ( cyst removal) * Outpatient skin surgery of any sort. *Skin cancer diagnosis, treatments and prevention *Treatment for early staged melanoma ( melanoma <0.75mm in thickness), basal cell carcinoma (BCC) ,Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), Solar keratosis (AK) *non-surgical therapy for skin cancer treatment and prevention *Surgery for general skin lesions including keloid, lipoma, cyst, digital ganglions, ect,.. *Treatment for common skin conditions including warts, skin cysts, skin tags, ingrown toe nails, common skin rashes, fungal skin infection etc... see our website for detail.