A J Crandon Medical Pty Ltd
About Us
Over 30 years experience in the care and management of gynaecological pre-cancer (abnormal Pap smears & colposcopy) and cancer of the uterus, ovaries, cervix, vagina and vulva. Expertise in familial or genetic cancers of the uterus and ovary or associated family history of cancers such as breast or bowel, either individually or together. Advice and assistance on matters such as prophylactic surgery for the protection against certain familial cancers. I work closely with Medical Genetist to quantify the risks for the development of gynaecological cancer and advise on means to reduce these risks. While our practice endeavours to run to appointment times, our priority is our patient's needs; consultations will not be cut short just to comply with appointments, if a patient needs extra time it will be provided.